Our Achievements

« Let’s build a Sustainable Future Together! »

IAD is a range of initiatives integrating training, seminars, studies and Action Research. Discover some of our most exceptional achievements:

Training courses provided at the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne.

Undertook a study on the financing of solid household waste management in the department of Mono in Benin.

Provided a training on waste management on behalf of the contracting authority of the Donsin Airport, Ouagadougou Burkina Faso.

Provided a training on urban waste management with IAGU (Institut Africain de Génie Urbain) in Dakar, Senegal.

Facilitated a training on waste management of health facilities with the Institute for Research in Health Sciences and the African Institute of Public Health in Ouagadougou.

Facilitated a training on the use of GRADS and Climate explore software for the analysis of IPCC climate scenarios - Burkina Faso Ministry of the Environment.

Leded Climate data collection on Burkina Faso's agro-climatic zones - Consolidation of Local Environmental Governance (COGEL), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Co-organizer of the University Certificate on Local Governance of African Wetlands (AGRINOVIA).

Support for the implementation of the GEF Project Sustainable Management of Critical Wetland Ecosystems (GEF Project ID: 5264) in Gabon.

Facilitation of the International Workshop for the benefit of The Managers of Cross-Border Parks and Protected Areas in West Africa, in Ankara (Turkey).

Diagnosis and proposal to improve waste management in Bangui (Central African Republic).

IAD - Réalisations
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